Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Water Heaters and Yardening

Our water heater finally kicked the bucket.  Hubs patched it up last Winter when it started leaking profusely from the top.  We were told because of the nature of the house layout and where it was installed it would be around $2000-$2500.

For a water heater...

Another thing to learn in life!  When purchasing a home look for one of these on top of the water heater, if it has one, RUN.

Thankfully I have a great friend who has a gas piping business and after discussing it with him, we decided if we had to drop that kind of coin, why not install an on demand heater instead?

It was a great idea and after what we should "save" annually, over 10 years we may save as much as $600.  Takes the sting out of the $2000 price tag... kinda.

Looks good though and we have more garage space now.  Plus no concern again about 50 gallons of water shooting all over catastrophically.  :-)

It's been a busy week, but not too busy to get out and garden.  :-)  I'm starting to feel like I'm myself again, so it's time to rehab these legs (and lose the probably 10lbs I gained sitting on my rear for the last 2 months.)

Love my yard.  It's a slow transformation but it's been fun.  I have some of the most gorgeous "Nikko Blue" hydrangeas.  See how different they all are?  They were purchased at the same time.  You can see the differences in the soil ph as it goes further towards the front of the house.

And these hydrangea trees are stunning.  This one is "Phantom".

Got a couple more for Mother's Day.  They're going to be great.  :-)  Different varieties.

I also have some lavendar started.  Lots of sod cutting to get these beds in makes some long work, but worth it in the long run.

The vegetable garden is in sad shape, but we will still get corn and maybe some pumpkins.  Hubs has been cutting some broccoli here and there too.  :-)

And Hannes LOVES his blueberry bush!

Monkey has a thing for writing the alphabet on everything outside.  :-)

I have plans for this space along the fence.  Lots of gravel shoveling!

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